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...Rice starch – as a natural thickener Sucrose (sugar) – for the best taste If you’re curious about the use of corn syrup solids in nutritional formulas like Neocate, please read Corn Allergy 101. This post explains that these are highly refined in a multi-step process designed to remove protein. It also walks through the differences between corn syrup solids and high fructose corn syrup (not the same!). How much sugar is in Neocate products?...
...FOOD Check out 3 great tips for hosting parties and get togethers where some guests have food allergies Browse delicious recipes for a festive holiday FAACT offers this list of fabulous tips to make sure you maintain allergy safety with food during the holiday season The pretty bee shares how to stock your pantry for holiday baking Kids With Food Allergies has several great guides for recipe substitution OTHER HELPFUL RESOURCES Family outdoor activities for...
Neocate Celebrates Rare Disease Day<sup>®</sup>
...What is a Rare Disease? You may be wondering, “What is a rare disease?” Each country has a slightly different definition of what qualifies as a rare disease. A disease or disorder is defined as rare when it affects less than 200,000 Americans at a time. Because these diseases are rare, diagnosis is often delayed and funding for medical research on new resources and management options is limited. This lack of awareness and resources makes...
...Flavor fit is unique. Do you have a favorite song? You know the one that makes your day if you hear it on the radio. Now think, what about that particular song that makes it your favorite? Is it the lyrics, the beat, the emotion it evokes, or all the above? Just like your taste in music is unique to your experiences and how you interpret the world. hen it comes to flavors, the...
Cow Milk Allergy in Babies
...Cow milk, a childhood staple and a key source of vital nutrients, is also the most common food allergen in early life. Like many allergic disorders, researchers and doctors aren’t sure of the exact cause of cow milk allergy or why some infants develop a milk allergy while others do not. Researchers are working to better understand factors that may contribute to cow milk allergy. Cow milk protein allergy is sometimes referred to as...
Cow Milk Allergy Causes
...Why some infants develop a milk allergy is unknown. An allergy is an abnormal response by the body’s immune system in response to one or several food allergens. Symptoms of cow milk allergy are caused by exposure to cow milk proteins. These signal the body to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies against the protein. When a person is allergic, any time the body “sees” the protein, the antibodies recognize it and release the chemicals...
Cow Milk Allergy Diet and Management
...There is currently no cure for a cow milk protein allergy (CMPA). As with any food allergy, the surest way to manage CMPA is to avoid cow milk and any foods that contain dairy proteins. For infants, the first choice is to continue feeding breast milk, and if the doctor advises mom will avoid milk and dairy in her diet, under medical supervision. (She may need to supplement her diet with some nutrients that...
Cow Milk Allergy Signs and Symptoms in Babies
...A child may experience cow milk allergy (CMA) symptoms and signs right away or within the first week of adding cow milk to their diet. It’s common for babies to have several symptoms at once. Also, many symptoms are not unique to cow milk allergy, which can make it hard to identify. Being on the lookout for the signs of cow milk allergy may help it be recognized and managed sooner....

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